Real Estate Conveyancing Process: The Changing Landscape

The process of real estate conveyancing, or the transfer of property ownership, has traditionally been a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that often involves multiple parties and a significant amount of paperwork. However, technology is now beginning to revolutionize this process, making it faster, more efficient, and less prone to errors. In this article, we will explore how technology is changing the real estate conveyancing process and what you need to know about these changes.

Electronic Real Estate Conveyancing

One of the key ways that technology is transforming the real estate conveyancing process is through the use of electronic conveyancing (e-conveyancing) systems. These systems, which are now available in many parts of the world, allow property transactions to be completed entirely digitally, without the need for paper documents or face-to-face meetings. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to complete a transaction, as well as minimize the risk of errors or fraud.

Blockchain Security

Another way that technology is changing conveyancing is through the use of blockchain technology. By providing a secure and transparent way of recording and verifying transactions, blockchain can significantly reduce the risk of fraud or errors in the conveyancing process. Some companies are already exploring the use of blockchain in conveyancing, and it is likely that this technology will become more widely adopted in the coming years.

Automating conveyancing using AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is also beginning to play a role in the real estate conveyancing process. For example, AI can be used to quickly review and analyze large volumes of data, such as property titles and deeds, in order to identify potential issues or discrepancies. This can save significant time and effort for lawyers and other professionals involved in the conveyancing process.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Another way that technology is transforming conveyancing is through the use of online platforms that connect buyers, sellers, and legal professionals like Realtors and Mortgage advisors. These platforms can streamline the process of finding and hiring a lawyer, as well as provide real-time updates and communication throughout the transaction. By making the process more transparent and accessible, these platforms can help to build trust and confidence among all parties involved in the transaction.

Cybersecurity in Real Estate Conveyancing

Despite the many benefits that technology can bring to the real estate conveyancing process, there are also some potential risks and challenges to be aware of. For example, there is always the risk of cybersecurity threats, particularly when sensitive information is being exchanged online. There is also the risk of technology becoming too complex and difficult to use, particularly for those who are not familiar with digital tools and platforms.

Stay Updated

In order to effectively utilize technology in the conveyancing process, it is important for legal professionals and other parties to stay up-to-date on the latest tools and trends. This may involve attending conferences, reading industry publications, and participating in online forums and communities. It is also important to choose technology tools and platforms that are secure, reliable, and user-friendly and to take steps to protect sensitive data and information.


In conclusion, technology is revolutionizing the conveyancing process in a variety of ways, from electronic conveyancing and blockchain to AI and online platforms. While there are risks and challenges to be aware of, the benefits of technology in conveyancing are significant and will likely continue to grow in the coming years. By staying informed and taking steps to utilize technology effectively and securely, legal professionals and other parties involved in the conveyancing process can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and provide a better overall experience for their clients.

Set up a meeting with our team to learn how you can leverage technology to transform your conveyancing process.

5 Benefits of Incorporating Real Estate Closing Software into Your Business

Real estate professionals understand the importance of efficiency and accuracy in the closing process. With the rise of technology, real estate closing software has become a valuable tool for streamlining this process and improving the overall customer experience. In this article, we will discuss the five benefits of incorporating real estate closing software into your business.

Benefits of Real Estate Closing Software


Streamlined Closing Process

One of the biggest benefits of real estate closing software is the streamlined closing process it provides. The software automates many of the tasks associated with the closing process, reducing the risk of errors and delays. This allows you to complete closings faster and more accurately, improving your customer satisfaction and reputation. The software is designed to manage all aspects of the closing process, from creating and organizing closing documents to tracking the progress of each closing. This helps ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely and accurate manner.

Improved Communication

Real estate closing software provides a centralized platform for communication between all parties involved in the closing process. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and miscommunications. The software allows you to easily share information and updates with all parties involved in the closing, ensuring that everyone is kept informed and up-to-date. This improved communication helps to reduce stress and confusion, making the closing process smoother and more efficient.

Increased Productivity

By automating many tasks and improving communication, real estate closing software can help increase your overall productivity. This can lead to increased profitability and the ability to take on more clients. The software can automate many time-consuming tasks, such as creating and organizing closing documents, tracking the progress of each closing, and managing the closing process from start to finish. This can free up your time and resources, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Access to Up-to-Date Information

Real estate closing software provides real-time access to important information, such as property titles and closing documents. This allows you to make informed decisions quickly and accurately. The software eliminates the need to manually search for and organize information, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors. This up-to-date information helps you to make informed decisions, ensuring that you can provide the best possible service to your clients.

Competitive Advantage

By incorporating real estate closing software into your business, you can differentiate yourself from your competition. This can help you attract new clients and retain existing ones, leading to long-term success. The software can provide a professional image for your business, demonstrating your commitment to providing the best possible service to your clients. This can help you stand out in a crowded market and attract new business.

In conclusion, incorporating real estate closing software into your business can provide a wealth of benefits, from streamlining the closing process to improving communication and increasing productivity. The software can help you provide a better service to your clients, while also improving your bottom line. If you’re looking to improve your business and stay ahead of the competition, consider incorporating real estate closing software into your workflow today!

Get 5-Star Law Firm Reviews

On a scale of 0–10, how confident are you that your customers are satisfied with you – their law firm? If your customers gave a law firm review, how many stars do you think you would get? Read on to see how you can get five-star law firm reviews. 

 law firm reviews

Research shows that prospective customers trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation from friends, depending on how many people have given the review how many stars, on which criteria, etc. 


Where law firm reviews are concerned, the compelling factors for positive reviews are the firm’s trustworthiness, ease of operation, and effective communication from start to finish. 


When your prospective client first approaches you, they have most likely already made up their mind about you from a variety of sources – online search, comments on forums, discussions in social groups, and so on. After doing business with you, they will be the ones who will then refer others in their circle to your firm, by leaving a positive law firm review. There’s no denying the power of a positive or favorable review for your company.


law firm reviews NPS calculationNow, there exists a real and highly effective metric – the Net Promoter Score (NPS®) – that measures the positivity of reviews by customers. NPS differentiates customers as ‘Promoters’, ‘Neutrals’, or ‘Detractors’ depending on what they answer when asked to rate their satisfaction on a 0–10 scale.


We at Philer help provide excellent services throughout the client’s journey with you, including (and especially) at the end. Read on to see how this can garner you extraordinary law firm reviews from your clients: 


  • We have a dedicated client dashboard that facilitates a seamless onboarding of clients into your firm. This painless process boosts confidence in the client, leaving them feeling positive about their association with you. 
  • With our real-time status tracker, you can keep track of the exact status of the transaction with your clients and other business partners at any given time. This transparency reflects your business values and makes you more trusted and respected by your client. 
  • With our automated reminder system, your clients are prompted at the right time to complete their online intake forms and submit them on time, preventing any misses or delays during the process. 
  • Through our user-level access, you can control how your clients’ data is accessed in a safe and protected manner, promoting a feeling of trust and confidence in your clients about the privacy of their data. 
  • All of your clients’ data is stored in a secure, cloud-based storage, eliminating risks of breach of privacy and simultaneously enabling quick and secure access from almost anywhere. Needless to say, these factors, among others, go a long way in getting you highly conducive law firm reviews. 
  • We also have a checklist tracker to track the step-wise progress of your client’s journey with your law firm. This is a sure-fire way of keeping all documentation, applications, and other deadlines completed on time, every time. 
  • Our user-friendly chat tool is a blessing for those who need answers to their questions quickly and briefly. Many clients find it at once convenient and hassle-free to be able to chat with a subject matter expert to clear any queries every time. 


Apart from all the above points, probably the most significant step to elicit more positive reviews for your law firm from your clients is the facility of Philer to employ an automatic collection process once the closing is complete for the client. Upon closing, an email asking for the client’s review is automatically generated and shared with the client – at a time and place in their journey at which they’re most conducive to give a positive law firm review for you. 

As a law firm, you can deliver an excellent customer experience using Philer’s exceptional features such as automated intake, checklist trackers, automated reminders, secure cloud storage for critical data, automatic review collection and so much more that goes toward obtaining those five-star law firm reviews. 

Cyber Security Guide for Law Firms

For any law firm, protecting its clients’ data is critical for its reputation and, consequently, its success and growth. When your customers entrust their personal information to you, you cannot take chances. Cyber security and protecting client data is one of the foremost priorities for any company, and especially a law firm. 

Refer to our Cyber Security Guide for Law Firms to ensure that your client’s data is safe and secure with you.


ABC.. of Cyber Security for Law Firms


Audit, audit, audit:

From hardware, software, internal processes and tools, to databases and networks, carry out periodic audits – either through an internal team or by outsourcing to external auditors – to identify and eliminate threats and risks of data breaches. This will throw up various potential threats which can then be 

Back up with technology:

Employ tech tools like multi-factor authentication, data encryption, SSL for internet data transfers, etc. for increased protection against data breaches, leaks and hacking attempts. Setting up network security monitoring tools, web vulnerability scanners, firewalls, antivirus tools etc. are just some of the measures you can take in this aspect. You might also include moves such as BYOD – Bring Your Own Device – for a lower exposure of company information to the outside world.

Check out your vendors: 

In today’s day and age, working with vendors to whom work is outsourced is quite common. However, for the sake of the confidentiality of your clients, ensure that all your vendors are properly vetted and perform due diligence when partnering with them. 

Determine government regulations:

Be informed about government regulations in your area that are in place to protect your clients and their data. Inability to comply with them could cost your firm thousands of dollars in penalties, payouts and other fees to contain the damage to your clientele and your reputation.

Enable your employees with training:

Periodically train employees on recognizing, avoiding and reporting risks such as phishing, social engineering, spam, password hacking etc. addressed. While it is a good idea to follow the principle of role-based authorization and least-privilege access, it is better to bolster that with awareness and support for the staff. This training should encourage familiarity of the staff with data security processes and rules. 

Frame a crisis response plan:

Despite all precautions, cyber attacks can happen at any time. Rather than act reactively after an attack occurs, plan proactively for such a situation. Make sure you have put in place a well-defined response plan, with clear instructions on immediate steps to be followed. This will help contain the damage, and initiate recovery as quickly as possible and with as less damage as possible. 


Law firms are attractive targets for cyber criminals. From selling client information online to third parties, to holding critical information hostage in return for ransoms, there could be many motivations. As the owner of your firm, it is up to you to create a strong framework of checks and balances to prevent, or at the very least, minimize liability to your firm due to these unfortunate malicious attacks. 


At Philer, we help you safely store all your client information in one secure place, effortlessly. For more information on how we can empower law firms like yours to deliver a better client experience, please click here.

Marketing for real estate law firms in Ontario

As a real estate law firm in Ontario, you play a crucial role in helping clients navigate the complex process of buying or selling property. However, in today’s digital age, standing out from the competition is more important than ever. To attract and retain clients, it’s essential to have a strong and well-thought-out marketing strategy for real estate law firms in Ontario.

Here are five key tips to help you boost your online presence and reach your target audience:


Optimize your website for search engines (SEO)


Your website is often the first point of contact potential clients have with your firm, so it’s important to make a strong impression. Optimizing your website for search engines is a key component of a successful marketing strategy. Make sure your website has relevant, keyword-rich content, a clear and user-friendly design, and fast load times. Additionally, make sure your website is mobile-friendly and accessible, as more and more people are searching for services on their smartphones.


Leverage social media


Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can be valuable marketing tools for real estate law firms. By regularly posting updates, industry news, and relevant information, you can build a strong online presence and engage with potential clients. Make sure to use relevant hashtags and tag other industry professionals to expand your reach. You can also consider running targeted ads on social media to reach a wider audience.


Utilize email marketing


Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach out to potential clients and keep existing ones engaged. By regularly sending newsletters, updates, and special offers, you can build relationships with clients and position your firm as a trusted advisor. Make sure to segment your email list based on demographic information, such as location and interests, to ensure your messages are relevant to each recipient.


Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing


Google My Business is a free tool that allows you to manage your online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. By claiming and verifying your listing, you can make sure your law firm appears when people search for real estate services in your area. Make sure to keep your listing up-to-date with accurate information, including your address, phone number, and business hours. You should also encourage clients to leave reviews, as positive reviews can boost your firm’s visibility and credibility.


Partner with local organizations and networks


Partnering with local organizations and networks can help you build relationships with potential clients and expand your reach. Consider sponsoring events, participating in local business groups, and networking with other industry professionals. You can also partner with real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and other related professionals to cross-promote your services.



In conclusion, marketing for real estate law firms in Ontario requires a combination of online and offline strategies to reach your target audience and build your brand. By focusing on SEO, social media, email marketing, Google My Business, and local partnerships, you can create a comprehensive marketing plan that will help you stand out from the competition and attract and retain clients.